The right content in the store logo banner will helps you increase brand awareness to the buyer.

Suggested store logo banner size

Suggested store logo banner size will be 1200 pixels for width and 200 pixels for height. The file size should not exceed 300KB.


Suggested content in the logo banner


The information you can include in your store logo banner:

1. Company logo

2. Company contact (ex: email, hotline number and etc)

3. Social media account (ex: Facebook, Twitter and etc)

4. You may publish your website link with font size not exceeding 14px

5. Your retail shop address and operating hours.

What are the information that is NOT ALLOWED?

Seller is not allowed to include content which to direct buyer to external platform from
ex: For more products, for cheaper price, for more promotions, more discounts and etc.

Bad example 1
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