1. You can use this plugin if you want to display your Facebook Fans of product page in your Web Store. 2. To enable the plugin, click on “G. My Store” and click “4. Store Plugins“. 3. Scroll down and search for “Facebook Fans on Product Page” and Click “GET THIS!” button 4. This plugin is FREE! for Web Store Plus members. If you are not, the subscription fee is RM103.88 per year. 5. A pop up will appear. Click “OK”. 6. The amount will be deducted automatically from your iAccount. So, please make sure you have sufficient credit in your iAccount. 7. After that key in your Facebook Page URL. 8. Click “Validate Facebook Page URL”. 9. Lastly click on the “Update” button. 10. The Facebook Fans will appear at the bottom your Web Store product page. Tagged:PluginWeb Store