Seller is responsible for all shipping matters regardless the shipping is done by the seller in the country, or by the supplier from overseas.

1. The buyer did not receive the item.

  • Seller is responsible to check the status of the order and the delivery with the courier company to know where is the item at. The seller is responsible until the buyer receives the item they paid for.
  • The seller is responsible to contact the courier company to get the update on the shipment and advice the buyer for the delivery status.
  • If the item is delayed for delivery by the courier company, the seller should contact the courier company to check and rearrange delivery and inform the buyer.
  • As a seller, please do not request your buyer to follow up with the courier company on the order delivery status. The responsibility belongs to the seller

2. Shipped wrong item to buyer.

When seller wrongly ships item to the buyer, it is the seller’s responsibility to resolve the issue. The seller is responsible when;

  • the item sent is not as described in the listing/posting, which includes the item condition.
  • the item sent is different model, brand, color, size, specification, etc than as described or what buyer bought.
  • sending the item to the wrong address or different buyer shipping address than in the order.
  • The seller will bear the return courier charges for the buyer to return the item to the seller.

3. Buyer received damaged or faulty item.

  • The seller is responsible to pack the item properly. If the item is fragile, please use additional packaging materials.
  • The seller should provide necessary shipping insurance if needed (seller should advice the buyer).
  • When the buyer receives a damage item due to mishandling by the courier company, or during delivery or transportation by the courier company, it is the seller’s responsibility to lodge the report to the courier company.
  • The seller is responsible to lodge the claim report with the courier company if the item is damaged during transit or delivery. Even though the report has been made to the courier company, the seller is still responsible to complete the order transaction for the buyer by either delivering the order (item) again, or fully refund the buyer (refund should include item price and shipping cost). It is not the buyer’s responsibility to claim or report to the courier company, or wait for the claim from the courier company.
  • The seller will bear the return courier charges for the buyer to return the item to the seller.

4. Item lost by courier company.

  • The seller is responsible to lodge the claim report with the courier company if the item is damaged during transit or delivery. Even though the report has been made to the courier company, the seller is still responsible to complete the order transaction for the buyer by either delivering the order (item) again, or fully refund the buyer (refund should include item price and shipping cost). It is not the buyer’s responsibility to claim or report to the courier company, or wait for the claim from the courier company.

5. Returning of item by buyer to the seller.

  • The seller should provide a valid return address to the buyer and advice the buyer on how to pack.
  • The buyer will only return the item to your address in Malaysia, regardless if you sent the item from your overseas supplier (drop-ship).
  • The buyer must provide the seller with the valid shipping tracking. The buyer is responsible for the return item shipped back to the seller. Any delay for the delivery by the courier service, the buyer has to contact them and update the seller on the return delivery status.

6. Update shipping tracking.

  • The seller is responsible to update paid orders with valid shipping or courier tracking.
  • The shipping tracking or courier tracking updated should be complete with the name of the courier company.